Wednesday, June 30, 2010

open owl face

I am attempting to get myself together, as far as school goes. i just sent off my transfer application to FAU. I went there two years ago so I'm hoping they will embrace me with open owl arms. If I am accepted I will have only about a year or two in order to receive my Bachelors in English Literature. That sounds so good, and feels good to say. So I am currently praying I am accepted. I plan to move out as soon as possible.

I've been having obscure dreams about what could be if all goes well for once in my life. I also realized I need to trim my hair. My locks are getting long. I always sort of dread cutting my hair. It's so sacred to me. I know they are dead cells, but I cherish them as part of me. So whenever I have enough dough I will have to go through that Hell. Oh, and mother and I are fighting again. What else is new in a young girls life? 21 comes with it's negatives..
Things are a little tough for me right now. Mainly out of uncertainty. I hate not having a straight answer. Please let the relief come soon.
On top of it all...
I miss Jonathan. More than I ever thought I would. Things are quiet now that he is so far away. Though we speak constantly on the phone or through skype, its not the same. I miss the warmth! Counting the days to see his beautiful face once again.

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